Can you recall the time when we can still pretend to not know about Global warming and climate change, because back then the Earth is still stable, okay, and people is taking good care of it?
Indeed, if we could only go back to h0w it was, if we could only understand Global warming and know exactly the what to do and what to not, then maybe, just maybe, we could still save a part of the Earth that is now destroyed and polluted.
Today, let us get to know global warming and the things we need to do to still save Earth.
What is Climate Change
The term climate change often refers to the general weather conditions of the place in years. It is a significant variation of average weather conditions, for some places it has becoming warmer, wetter or drier over several decades or more. Which is not usually a normal weather scenario for them.
All the while, more people are integrating “climate change” with “global warming”. Yes they are related but they are actually different.
What Causes Climate Change
If we are going to talk natural causes, a few obvious reasons to this is the phases of human activities over the years. Forces that contributes to climate change are the sun’s intensity, volcanic eruptions, and changes that naturally occurring greenhouse gas concentrations.
The Effects of Climate Change
There are various effects of climate change that we are now experiencing already.
One of this is the extreme weather. For cold places, they experience more extreme coldness during its season as well as in the hot places.
Obviously, dirty and polluted air is one too. And this is one of the many effects that we are experiencing to today.