There are babies that have problems in the formation of their body parts and growing their organs while still in their mother’s womb. There are other health concerns too like how their bodies would turn food into energy and how it will work. All of these problems are referred to as birth defects.
As a matter of fact, there are over 4000 different types of birth defects.
These ranges from minor that does not call immediate medical attention to more serious cases that may require surgical or medical treatment or cause disabilities.
Birth Defects and its Types
There are different kinds of birth defects and these include but not limited to:
When there’s a malformed or missing part of the body after a baby is born, it’s called as structural birth defect. Heart defects however are the commonest structural defect among babies. Others do include cleft palate, spina bifida, congenital dislocated hip and clubfoot.
Then again, if a baby is born with body chemistry, it’s called as metabolic birth defect. This type of defect is preventing the body from breaking down foods properly in order to create energy. Few examples of metabolic defects are:
- PKU – this is an abbreviation phenylketonuria and it is affecting how body is processing protein
- Tay-Sachs Disease – this is a fatal disease that targets the central nervous system