What Babies Learn From Play

Many people think that babies are just having fun when they reach for things above their cribs, like mobiles or squeeze bananas through their fingers. This is not true. When babies develop motor skills while playing, they learn about the world around them and do things. As a parent, you’d want your baby to know as much as possible while she’s having fun with her toys and other things.

The skills that babies learn through play:

A person has to be able to sense and move. This happens even when he’s only a month old. A 6-month-old baby is learning how to lift a rattle so that he can see and hear. Then he shakes and listens as the rattle moves and moves around.

It’s essential to keep your wrist in check. With her hands in a fist, your baby is born. Her finger is inside. Her hands are primarily open (though curled). To show you interesting things, she can use just her forefinger by the time she’s ten months old. 

To give her a drink, she might point and talk. Soon, she will be able to use her thumb and forefinger to pick up a small piece of food. As for wrist control, it takes even more time than the first two things. Many toddlers have trouble controlling their wrists until they are about 1 1/2 years old.

Many toys and games require one hand to do one thing while the other moves in another way. Toys that allow your child to use both hands simultaneously are suitable for your toddler. A paper must be held still with one hand while the crayon is held in the other. Let them explore having their own playpen. 

Skills for talking to other people, as well. Make sure your child has chances to play with gentle and friendly people. The next time you see your toddler at the edge of a group of other toddlers, give her the confidence to join in on the fun. 

Size and space ideas

Make sure your child has blocks of different sizes. Stacking small blocks on top of larger blocks will show her that the tower balances better when this is done rather than the other way around.

Concepts of time

Before your toddler moves a line of train cars down the track, they have to put the way together with the tongues and grooves on each piece. Because each vehicle must be hooked together or snapped on to another, he must make sure they stay together.


Counting, numbers, “more” and “less,” and how many not to count is an excellent way to teach your child how to count is to make a lot of small toys and play with them. If one pile has more toys than another, or if a friend has more crayons to color with, she will notice. Counting fingers and toes in games like “This little piggy goes to market” is a fun way to teach your child about numbers.

Learning a new language

As you play games with him, your baby will learn a lot of words. Use songs and chants. You can say, “See-Saw, Margery Draw” as your child rocks on a toy horse. Make a boat and sing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.” Do hand and body movements chants like “The Wheels on the Bus” to get your child excited about happy play with you.

People are sorting and putting things together into groups. Preschoolers need to learn to classify and group items. Pick toys that your baby will know how to put things in order, from minor to big or thin to fat. This is an excellent time to use stacking cups and ring-stack toys to help your child learn.

Having the power to turn the light on and off must feel great! Choose toys that do something when your child plays with them. As soon as he pushes down on this lever, a ball rolls down a slope. If he moves a pillow, he can get a toy you’ve hidden.