Viruses and bacteria are capable of causing diseases among humans, some can be somewhat irritating while some could result to fatality. If you want to ensure that none of this will infect your family, then better contact professional cleaning services to perform thorough cleaning in your property.
But what is actually the difference between a virus and bacteria? Simply speaking, bacteria is bigger compared to viruses, which can be occasionally a thousand times larger. In addition to that, bacteria are single-celled organism that has the ability to reproduce asexually. With regards to viruses on the other hand, it needs a living cell or in this case, a host for it to reproduce.
Common Illnesses
As mentioned earlier, viruses and bacteria can cause infections but it isn’t clear always which illness is being triggered by which or even how it spreads. In the next lines, we will be discussing the most common infections and identify them whether viral or bacterial infection.
Common Cold
How long cold virus survives? Well for one, some viruses that’s causing it last for short period of time while others could survive for few minutes. On the other hand, 40% of rhinoviruses (common cold virus) can remain infectious even after an hour.
RSV or Respiratory Syncytial Virus is similar to a cold virus that triggers serious illness among children. It can live in door handles and worktops for 6 hours, on tissue and clothing for 30 to 45 minutes and on skin’s surface for 20 minutes.
While it is extremely important to regularly wash hands when you have flu, it is important as well not to disregard cleaning the surfaces in your house. This is the primary way of preventing the virus from spreading.
The virus that is causing flu can live on hard surfaces for at least a day, during this time, it’s transferable to the hands. What’s surprising though is, it can survive only for 15 minutes more or less on tissues and an even shorter period on hands. Additionally, the virus can live as droplets in air for few hours. Their survival rate is significantly increased in areas that have low temperatures.